Many a time, teachers are just being taken for granted. When T Day arrives, they will receive many of the commercial gifts easily bought from shops capitalising on the fact that parents adopt the easy way out to just pick up these ready wrapped items.
This year, eversince the baking craze, I have been racking my brain two weeks ago thinking of what to prepare for my kids teachers as I feel they have to be given the recognition they deserve. From easy cupcakes to cookies to baked cakes, layered cakes, assorted flavours etc....sigh...with my limited capacity as a baker and most of all, someone who knows nuts about decoration (or absolutely no acquired decoration skills yet), trying to think of something beautiful, easy and edible is a mean feat. Some might say...aiya...go buy la ! Of course I could do that, but wouldn't it be more meaningful to have something done from scratch and presented it with thoughtfulness.....I wonder how many teachers would appreciate that too but then again, let the kids learn how to show their appreciation and how making something for someone special creates that special kind of feeling in them.
So finally the day arrived and I realised that making cookie lollipops is easy for them to bring to school. So inspired by HappyHomeBaking Pooh cookies, I thought of the most simple design using the cookie cutters which I bought from DAISO to combine the shapes into one cookie. We designed the cookie and tried one batch but it turned out crusty and cracked when lifted. So we had to improvise by thinking of a way to insert the lollipop sticks without cracking the dough which was soft and delicate.
So here's the result of the dough on a stick with our humble design......
After a few attempts and getting better at handling the dough, I managed to make 3 batches and about 15 lollipops plus some pooh bear cookies which I experimented with the remaining dough.
And here's the baked and packaged version.....

This is the final version with gift tags done by Nicole. I hope the teachers will enjoy it just as much as we have enjoyed baking them.